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Center for Interprofessional Education signature

Courses & Opportunities

Discover a wide range of offerings from U-M’s health science schools and colleges that integrate interprofessional education (IPE) principles into their curriculum. These courses provide opportunities for students to engage in meaningful, collaborative learning experiences that emphasize teamwork, communication, and the shared goal of improving patient care.

Showing 1 - 10 of 54 results

A3 Problem Solving Session

Dentistry Medicine Nursing Pharmacy Social Work
Workshop (Event)

This 2-hour session allows students to learn about the concepts and types of measures used in quality improvement (QI). Working as an interprofessional team, students walk through a mock scenario involving increased wait times in the emergency room setting to learn about how QI efforts are applied to their field of study, the role they have in the QI process, and the value of having multiple roles participate in the improvement process. This session is embedded within the Team-Based Clinical Decision Making course.

More about A3 Problem Solving Session

Asthma Interaction

Nursing Pharmacy
Workshop (Event)

Content taught in the P2 pharmacy therapeutics course is aligned with that taught in the nursing therapeutics course so that the topic of asthma occurs at approximately the same time in both courses. A case was developed where pharmacy students are provided with different information about the patient than the nursing students. Pharmacy students gather information from the patient through a simulated patient interaction. Nursing students gather information through a mock chart note. Students are then instructed to meet in small groups (2-3 students with at least one from each discipline) and discuss the case and recommend a treatment plan. Through the interaction, each learns information about the patient that they didn’t know. It is through the dialogue between the professionals that the optimal care plan is defined. Students reflect on the experience and describe how IPE improved the patient’s care and how the interaction will impact their actions moving forward.

More about Asthma Interaction

Autism Sim

Dentistry Nursing Social Work
Winter Fall

There is information in Canvas, watch Ted Talk, videos and ABA therapy sessions independently. One week later Activity in groups experience virtual reality of having autism, videos, clarify and describe roles, dental and nursing, then work through case study (from T-3 University Washington iT program, in smaller groups for an autistic patient followed by creating a plan of care.

Breaking Bad News

Medicine Social Work
Fall Winter

A fourth-year medical student Standardized Patient Interaction modified to include social work students. The learning module was updated to include the roles of both specialties, and together the students practice breaking bad news in a simulated clinical scenario.

Death, Loss and Grief

Pharmacy Social Work

This course addresses the theoretical framework of human loss and grief from a culturally and philosophically diverse perspective. It seeks to provide information about why and how humans grieve and how grieving is affected by type of loss, socioeconomic and cultural factors, individual personality and family functioning. Attention is given to life span development and the meaning of death and loss at different ages. Various types of loss are discussed from an individual, family and socio/cultural perspective. This IPE section done with social work and pharmacy students will focus on additional specific topics in which students can learn from, with and about each other’s disciplines roles in loss related issues (for example, abortion, incarceration, assisted suicide/death with dignity, capital punishment, etc.).

More about Death, Loss and Grief

Ethics and Social Justice Grand Rounds

Kinesiology Medicine Nursing Pharmacy Public Health Social Work
Workshop (Event)

The already existing SJGR done at Michigan Medicine has been incorporated into the Pharmacy Ethics course as one of our class sessions. Faculty from pharmacy and social work collaborate to develop an intentional IPE component to the grand rounds, extending the program by 30 minutes for students only. In this additional time, students are placed in IPE groups and are presented with specific questions to discuss that are related to the topic of the SJGR. I include a second intentional IPE session in my ethics class related to providing care to transgender people. A similar format is used to that used in SJGR, but it is not tied to SJGR.

More about Ethics and Social Justice Grand Rounds

Geriatric Case Discussion

Medicine Pharmacy
Workshop (Event)

Pharmacy is implementing a new early practice experience in fall 2018 that will have our P2 students working in an ambulatory care clinic to learn about the delivery of care in this setting. The final two weeks of the semester are in the classroom setting. In one of the weeks, pharmacy students will be discussing cases they saw while in the clinic. In the final week of the semester, M3 students will participate. Students will be placed into small IP groups (1Rx/2MD) and will work through a specific geriatrics case learning with and from each other about factors related to care of geriatric patients. The case will be developed by the faculty team. Students will be guided through the process in a discussion facilitated by an IP faculty team after they have developed their own patient care plan.

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Geriatric Case Discussion (Amb Care IPPE)

Medicine Pharmacy
Fall Winter
Workshop (Event)

Pharmacy is implementing a new early practice experience in fall 2018 that will have our P2 students working in an ambulatory care clinic to learn about the delivery of care in this setting. The final two weeks of the semester are in the classroom setting. In one of the weeks, pharmacy students will be discussing cases they saw while in the clinic. In the final week of the semester, M3 students will participate. Students will be placed into small IP groups (1Rx/2MD) and will work through a specific geriatrics case learning with and from each other about factors related to care of geriatric patients. The case will be developed by the faculty team. Students will be guided through the process in a discussion facilitated by an IP faculty team after they have developed their own patient care plan.

More about Geriatric Case Discussion (Amb Care IPPE)

Hamilton Clinical Experience

Dentistry Nursing
Fall Spring/Summer Winter
Clinical/Community Experience

Community-based interprofessional pilot rotation for dentistry and nursing students that allows students from the two health professions to gain understanding of the clinical experience through collaborative patient care.

Health and Disabilities

Dentistry Medicine Nursing Pharmacy Social Work

Nearly one in five Americans has a disability. Working with people who have disabilities is central to training of students in health professions such as occupational and physical therapy. Other health professional training programs dedicate less time to disability-related topics in their curriculum. A logical solution to increasing all health professional students and practitioners’ capacity to care for people who have disabilities is to utilize Interprofessional Education (IPE) experiences, which focus on person-centered care of people with disabilities. IPE experiences foster communication, team building, and cultural awareness of health professional students. IPE experiences engage two or more professions to learn with, about, and from each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes. It intentionally supports people – including patients, families and communities – to learn together to enhance collaboration and improve health outcomes while reducing costs. This philosophy is

More about Health and Disabilities