An impressive number of teams will be sharing our interprofessional and experiential successes… with LIFE and more!
Who Is Presenting What, Where and When….
This year’s Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Conferenceis virtual on Sept. 23-24. View the program with U-M presentations highlighted.
The annual NEXUS Summithas more than 200 virtual sessions spread over September and October 2021. The interprofessional achievements of University of Michigan faculty, students, and staff are well represented in several categories. See below.
NEXUS Summit Poster Presentations, Tuesday Sept. 14:
Virtual Longitudinal Interprofessional Family-Based Experience (LIFE): Model Framework with Learner & Patient Outcomes
Laura Smith, PT, DPT, PhD; — Debra Mattison, MSW, LMSW; Kate Balzer, MSW, LMSW; Thomas W. Bishop Psy.D; Karen Farris, BS, MPA, PhD; Mark Fitzgerald, DDS, MS; Melissa Gross, PhD; Danielle Rulli, RDH, MS, DHSc; Vani Patterson, MPH; Chamipa Phanudulkitti, BS, MBA, PhD; Nicole Trupiano, MD candidate; and Olivia Anderson, PhD.
LIFE was an authentic IPE experiential learning opportunity that moved beyond a one-time intervention to an 11-week longitudinal experience to engage real patients in the learning process. Student/patient outcomes support this innovative approach to introductory experiential learning.
Poster Presentation at 11-11:30 a.m. EDT (listed in the NEXUS program as10-10:30 a.m. CDT)..
Complexities of Interprofessional Care of a Person with a Amputation: Uniting Educational Programs Virtually
Suzanne Trojanowski, PT, DPT, NCS; Rebecca Spragg, MSPO, CPO; Andrea Zakrajsek, OTD, MS, OTRL, FNAP; Sharon Holt, MHS, OTRL; Leslie Smith, PT, DPT, CCS; Maria Keelon, MS, PA-C; and Amy Yorke, PT, PhD, NCS.
Virtual learning platforms offer an opportunity to expand IPE offerings to include other healthcare educational programs that may not be available at one’s home institution. Web-based polling applications can further enhance the debriefing process to allow more students to express their learning in a psychologically safe environment.
Poster Presentation at 11-11:30 a.m. EDT (listed in the NEXUS program as10-10:30 a.m. CDT).
Improving Interprofessional Communication During Virtual Team Conferences with Patient/Caregiver: Video-Based Simulation Learning
Adam Lepley, PhD, ATC; Susan Radzilowski, MSW, LMSW, ACSW, IMH-E; Shane Spaulding, MHPE, RRT, RRT-ACCS; Dean Lising, PT, MHSc, BScPT, BSc; and Lynne Sinclair, PT, MA (Ad Ed), BScPT.
New video-based simulation learning exercises demonstrate both effective and ineffective communication within an IPE team. These videos innovatively include the patient and caregiver voice, which can help students better understand the value and importance of the patient and caregiver as a member of the treatment team, especially with regard to improving patient outcomes. These videos also address the above components in a telehealth model, demonstrating how effective IPE communication can still be achieved in virtual settings. Professionals from a variety of health care settings are represented (nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work, respiratory therapy, speech language pathology).
Poster Presentation at 11-11:30 a.m. EDT (listed in the NEXUS program as10-10:30 a.m CDT).
Interprofessional Workflow Enhancement at the University of Michigan Student-Run Free Clinic: Phone Automation System Implementation
Aliya Moreira, MPH; Benjamin Moy; Sarah Zimmerman; Alma Torres; Ryan Townshend; Siddharth Madapoosi, MPH; Jennifer Riske; Hari Conjeevaram, MD.
How the U-M SRFC phone tree system implementation reduced the need to communicate calls to appropriate teams, enabled faster communication with patients, and saved clinic team member time.
Student Poster Presentation at 11-11:30 a.m. EDT (listed in the NEXUS program as10-10:30 a.m. CDT).
The Significance of Student-Driven Interprofessional Healthcare Education for Clinical Collaboration and Care
Nicole Trupiano, MD candidate; Michaela Murphy, MPH/MSW candidate; Jingqi Jia, DDS candidate; and Kelly Powell, PharmD candidate.
The IPE Student Advisory Committee (SAC) serves as a collaborative community for all the health professional schools and IPE student organizations at the University of Michigan. SAC worked to improve three priority areas: structure, education, and wellness.
Student Poster Presentation at 11-11:30 a.m. EDT (listed in the NEXUS program as10-10:30 a.m. CDT).
Creation of an Immigrant and Refugee Online Resource Toolkit for the State of Michigan
Ruth Bishop, MD candidate; Jessica Quinn, MD candidate; Megan Purdy, MD candidate; Christopher Whitlock, MD candidate; Alana Slavin, MSc, MD candidate; Alex Morales; Kate Orringer; Emily Lock; Layla Mohammed, MBChB ; Kelly Orringer, MD; and Justin Triemstra, MD.
IRORT is a needed, central platform within the state of Michigan for primary care pediatric clinics to access information about social services for their immigrant/refugee patients. Additionally, there is a perceived unmet need for mental health services for immigrant/refugee pediatric patients in Michigan.
Student Poster Presentation at 11-11:30 a.m. EDT (listed in the NEXUS program as10-10:30 a.m. CDT).
Three Decades in the Making: What is the Long-Term Impact of a Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Project on Enhancing Community Capacity?
Vy Tran Plata, MS, MD candidate. A CBPR project can have a long-lasting impact through the participants’ ability to capitalize on community capacity, applying CBPR knowledge and skills on subsequent community projects.
Student Poster Presentation at 11-11:30 a.m. EDT (listed in NEXUS program as10-10:30 a.m. CDT).
NEXUS Summit Seminar: September 29:
Putting the Patient in IPE: Engaging Patient Advisors in Experiential IPE Learning and Evaluation
Debra Mattison, MSW, LMSW; Kate Balzer, MSW, LMSW; Nicole Trupiano, MD candidate; Laura Smith, PT, DPT, PhD; Olivia Anderson, PhD; Mark Fitzgerald, DDS, MS; Thomas W. Bishop, Psy.D; Karen Farris, BS, MPA, PhD; Vani Patterson, MPH; and Danille Rulli, RDH, MS, DHSc.
This presentation will share a framework for creative collaboration with the U-M health system’s Office of Patient Experience in providing student IPE opportunities to learn through contact with real patient-family units. The Longitudinal Interprofessional Family-Based Experience (LIFE) is an 11-week IPE learning experience involving health science student teams focused on developing IPE competencies through students planning for and implementing live virtual sessions with patient advisors with chronic illnesses. Patient advisors also completed feedback questionnaires regarding their program experiences as well as perceptions of observed demonstration of student IPE competencies, thus providing valuable feedback beyond standard student self-rating tools.
Seminar at 1:00 p.m. – 2 p.m. EDT (listed in the NEXUS program as 12 noon -1:00 p.m. CDT).
NEXUS Summit Lightning Talk: October 5:
Creative Strategies for Virtual Teamness During a Pandemic: Innovative Adventure/Experiential Learning Approaches in Virtual Introductory Experiential IPE
Thomas W. Bishop, Psy.D; Laura Smith, PT, DPT, PhD; and Debra Mattison, MSW, LMSW.
The aim of this workshop is to provide active participation in Adventure Based Learning (ABL) , in which the audience is invited to experience being a part of a team and walking through a curriculum that has been utilized for IPE and team skill development. Participants will be exposed to a theoretical overview of ABL and will leave with innovative teaching tools and strategies that can be applied in developing and strengthening their own curriculum for team based care or interprofessional education.
Lightning Talk at 2:15 -3:15 p.m. EDT (listed in the NEXUS program as 1:15 p.m.-2:15 p.m. CDT).