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An impressive number of teams will share IPE successes at the conference this year!

Who is Presenting What, Where, and When…

This year’s virtual portion of the Nexus Summit 2022, “Learning Together in the Nexus: A Focus on What Matters Most” takes place on September 13-14, 2022. Presentations have been posted on their website with U-M presentations highlighted below:

NEXUS Summit Virtual Student Poster Presentations:

The Caring for Communities of Color Conference
Aurianna Lajaunie, MS; Sonia Iyengar
The Caring for Communities of Color Conference (CCCC) seeks to amplify the community of providers focused on health justice work in primary care settings in Southeast Michigan. The intention is to educate current and future healthcare trainees on the intersections of primary care and health justice, connect them to clinicians within this community, and build a longitudinal network of care providers centering the health needs of communities of color.
Tuesday, September 13, 1:00 – 2:00 pm EDT (listed as 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CDT)

Interprofessional Education: Involving Clerkship Specific Health Professionals in Onboarding Medical Students to Enhance Collaborative Care
Nicole Trupiano, BS, MD Candidate; Caroline McGowan, BS, MD Candidate; Tyler Pernes, BA, MD Candidate; Carrie Braun; Julie Barrett, MD, MPH; Thomas Bishop, Psy.D.
Research has consistently shown that interprofessional education (IPE) improves patient-centered care, hence the way it is taught to students is pivotal. Previous studies evaluating an interprofessional teaching approach have proven to be effective in increasing interest in the topic. However, most of these studies involved only physicians and physical therapists. To our knowledge, no studies have examined other health professions teaching medical students. Therefore, a group of learners and staff set out to allow health professionals to teach medical students. This poster describes a new curriculum project within IPE, involving several different health professionals, that was led by students and can be reviewed by other institutions for consideration of implementation.
Tuesday, September 13, 1:00 – 2:00 pm EDT (listed as 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CDT)

Innovative Student-Led Seminar Series Geared Towards Increasing Interprofessional Education
Kelsey Dods, BS, DDS Candidate; Tommy Lau, BS, DDS Candidate; Nicole Trupiano, BS, MD Candidate; Olivia Anderson, PhD, MPH, RD
Research has consistently shown that interprofessional education (IPE) improves patient-centered care and outcomes. Specifically, newer research has identified that student leadership in IPE leads to improved participation among peers, thus leading to improved IPE overall. Peer teaching described within medicine and nursing has had positive effects for both the learner and the teacher, but these studies were uni-professionally and did not examine this within an interprofessional context. The authors aimed to describe a student-developed IPE curriculum where health professional students learn from each other. This poster shows the structure of how the representation of different health schools fits within a student organization.
Tuesday, September 13, 1:00 – 2:00 pm EDT (listed as 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CDT)

Demystifying Dual Professional Identity and Interprofessional Socialization in Health Professions Education
Emily Ahern, SPT; Anna Nguyen, SPT; Laura Smith, PT, DPT, PhD
The primary purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of interprofessional socialization and dual professional identity. Recommendations of how to implement both constructs into healthcare education curricula will be highlighted alongside its value and potential influence on the Quadruple Aim.
Tuesday, September 13, 1:00 – 2:00 pm EDT (listed as 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CDT)

Exploring Interprofessional Development Opportunities Among Student Health Professional Research Assistants (SHPRA)
Anna Nguyen, SPT; Emily Ahern, SPT; Laura Smith, PT, DPT, PhD
The purpose of this presentation is to highlight the valuable experiences associated with SHPRA responsibilities, while developing interprofessional socialization and dual identity formation.
Tuesday, September 13, 1:00 – 2:00 pm EDT (listed as 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CDT)

NEXUS Summit Virtual Lightning Talks:

Interprofessional Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences in Dental Clinics: Perspectives from Four Programs
Aline Saad, Pharm D; Francine Salinitri, PharmD; Kimberly Sanders, PharmD; Anna Milone, PharmD, BCPS; Melanie Mayberry, DDS, MS-HCM; Brittany Stewart, PharmD; Mark Fitzgerald, DDS, MS
This talk will draw on the successes and identified barriers faced in establishing interprofessional pharmacy experiences in dental clinics and provide practical solutions to address them. The impact of experiences in advancing oral care and meeting the healthcare needs of dental patients will be presented. Dental patients’ care is expanded to include a comprehensive medication review with attention to medications’ impact on oral health, high risk medications that could affect the outcome of oral care, patient education, and drug information dissemination. Pharmacy patients’ care is expanded to include a greater pharmacist understanding of the impact of medications and diseases on oral health and increased collaborative skills with oral health providers.

Previously Presented

The in-person Nexus Summit 2022 took place in Minneapolis, MN on August 20-23, 2022. Lightening Talks at the Summit and poster presentations have been posted on their website with U-M presentations highlighted below:

NEXUS Summit In-Person Lightning Talks:

Patient Safety: The Power of Immersion Simulation for Nursing and Respiratory Therapy Students
Peggy Ursuy, PhD, MA, RN, PPCNP-BC; Linda DiClemente, DNP, BA, RN; Nicholas Prush, PHd, MHA, RRT, RRT-ACCS
The intent of interprofessional education (IPE) is for health professions students to train together before beginning professional practice. Development of synergistic relationships between disciplines builds trust, promotes patient safety, and improves patient outcomes. Traditionally, nursing and respiratory therapy programs have their own clinical rotations and schedules; they are parallel to one another and do not intersect for learning opportunities. This is a barrier to immersion experiences in IPE, and faculty must make concerted efforts to cross borders and foster IPE immersion experiences.
Sunday, August 21, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm EDT (listed as 10:30 am – 11:30 am CDT)

Auxocardia: The Heart Growing Work of Becoming a Healthcare Provider
Mary Fessler, BA; Elena Lorenzana, Limi Sharif; Marvin Urias; Bhavna Guduguntla
The word ‘auxocardia,’ is defined as “enlargement of the heart, either by hypertrophy or dilation” ( At Auxocardia Journal, we like to broaden that definition of heart expansion to also include, ‘the process of becoming a healthcare provider.’ Auxocardia Journal ( was founded in 2020 as a collaborative, community space for learners in the health professions to share their reflections on the process of becoming a healthcare provider. Publishing biannually, in May and November, we seek to provide a forum for students to express themselves creatively and share those reflections with a broader audience. Auxocardia seeks to share the triumphs, trials, and tribulations of medical, social work, midwifery, nursing, dentistry, PA school and more. It seeks to recognize the immense privilege of working in the healing professions, honoring the patients we serve, and recognizing the teachers who shape us, while also offering an honest take on the challenges associated with the process. Auxocardia Journal entered the literary space soliciting submissions from all members of the health professional student community. Our journal accepts art, essays, videos, literary interviews, fiction, poetry and more from students in the health professions disciplines. It is our contention that reading, viewing, and engaging with the collaborative works of our colleagues fosters empathy, enables us to be better healthcare team members, as well as better future providers for our patients. Our talk seeks to share the genesis of this project, share lessons learned in terms of our growth and development as an organization, and explain how the medical humanities can serve as a foci for members of the interprofessional community to collaborate in creating better care for our patients.
Sunday, August 21, 2:30 – 3:30 pm EDT (listed as 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm CDT)

Multi-Institutional Interprofessional Collaboration in Surgery: Implementing Evidence-Based Practices to Improve Safety, Teamwork, Education, and Patient Engagement in Tracheostomy Care
Rebecca Cherney, RN, BSN, BS; Vinciya Pandian PhD, MBA, RN; Erin Ward, MsEd CAS; Sarah Wallace, OBE; Brendan McGrath, MB ChB FRCP FRCA EDIC DICM AHEA FFICM MAcadMEd PhD; Michael Brenner, MD, F.A.C.S.
This multi-institutional project demonstrated how a structured approach to interprofessional collaboration and patient engagement can mitigate preventable harm and improve patient experience for patients with a surgical airway (tracheostomy). Care of such patients is high stakes and fraught with risk. Harm occurs in hospital settings and in the community because poor communication and fragmented care are pervasive. Poor coordination of care contributes to anxiety, frustrations, and complications. Avoidable visits to emergency departments or injury are all too common. We applied an interprofessional approach involving patients, families, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, physicians, and other stakeholders to counteract these problems.
Sunday, August 21, 2:30 – 3:30 pm EDT (listed as 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm CDT)

Mentoring in the Nexus: Learning Together What Matters Most to Advance and Sustain IPE
Teri Kennedy, PhD, MSW, ACSW, FGSA, FNAP; Frank Ascione, PhD; Shelley Bhattacharya, DO, MHP; Ashley Bondurant, DPT, MEd; Miriam Miriam Cortez-Cooper, PhD, PT; Terri Fowler, DNP, APRN, FNP-C; Rita Gura, PT, DPT; Kaisa Syvaoja, OTD, OTR/L; Constance Swenty, DNP, RN, CWON; Melissa Zahn, OD, FAAO
This presentation describes the impetus, goals, activities, assessment, and evaluation process of the AIHC/National Center Mentoring Program. 2022-23 cohort participants share their motivation for participating, mentor-mentee perspectives and experiences, mentoring best practices, and how participation in the program contributes to better care, better value, and better education and builds IPE capacity through learning, scholarship, and research.
Monday, August 22, 4:00 – 5:00 pm EDT (listed as 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm CDT)

The Role of IPE in Developing Anti-racist Health Professionals
Rajesh Mangrulkar, MD; Vani Patterson, MPH; Larry Gant, PhD, MA, MSW; Gundy Sweet, PharmD; Allon Goldberg, PhD; Olivia Anderson, PhD, MPH, RD; Tazin Daniels, PhD; Todd Ester, DDS, MA; Megan Leys, MSW Candidate; Christina Aplin-Snider, NP; Stephanie Gilkey MS, PA-C
We will discuss the opportunities that brought the University of Michigan’s Health Science Council of Deans (HSC) and Center for Interprofessional Education (C-IPE) together to launch this effort, the facilitators of our process, the findings, and the next steps. In much the same manner of attempting to transform the future of health care to be collaborative by preparing our learners to be team-oriented and team-ready, we believe that we can improve health inequities and structural racism in health by collectively educating our learners in more equitable learning environments and providing them with the knowledge and skills to take action against injustice.
Tuesday, August 23, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT (listed as 10:00 am – 11:00 am CDT)

NEXUS Summit In-Person Poster Presentations:

Engaging Early Health Profession Students with Real Patients Develops Awareness of Social Determinants of Health and Biases
Olivia Anderson, PhD, MPH, RD; Laura Smith, PT, DPT, PhD; Vani Patterson, MPH; Kate Balzer, LMSW; Debra Mattison, MSW, LMSW; Thomas Bishop, Psy.D.; Karen Farris, BS, MPA, PhD; Mark Fitzgerald, DDS,MS; Peggy Ursuy, PhD, MA, RN, PPCNP-BC; Danielle Rulli, RDH, MS, DHSc
Implicit bias among health professionals fosters disparities across groups of patients. This qualitative study aims to determine how an interprofessional education (IPE) experiential program, using social determinants of health (SDH) as its framework, influenced early health profession students’ to consider SDH as they develop awareness regarding their interprofessional identity when interacting with patients. Early, intentional training of SDH has potential to increase learners’ awareness of their own and teams’ bias, and how patients’ lived experiences impacts their healthcare.
Monday, August 22, 2:00 – 3:30 pm EDT (listed as 1:00 – 2:30 pm CDT)

Introductory, Experiential, Inter-professional Education (IPE) Teams: Concordance in Ratings of Team Performance by Students, Patients and Faculty Experts
Karen Farris, BS, MPA, PhD; Olivia Anderson, PhD, MPH, RD; Kate Balzer, LMSW; Thomas Bishop, Psy.D.; Mark Fitzgerald, DDS,MS; Debra Mattison, MSW, LMSW; Vani Patterson, MPH; Laura Smith, PT, DPT, PhD; Peggy Ursuy, PhD, MA, RN, PPCNP-BC
Introductory experiential interprofessional education (IPE) is necessary for health profession students to develop team skills. Meaningful engagement with patients provides an authentic experience for students, and patients can also provide feedback about team performance. The objective of this analysis was to determine the agreement of student and family/patient evaluation of team skills and to compare these to expert ratings. These analyses provide insight into future training for student and patient ratings of team performance.
Monday, August 22, 2:00 – 3:30 pm EDT (listed as 1:00 – 2:30 pm CDT)

Dipping Your Toes in the Water: A Low-stakes, Experiential Strategy to Recruit and Engage Faculty in Interprofessional Education
Debra Mattison, MSW, LMSW; Laura Smith, PT, DPT, PhD; Olivia Anderson, PhD, MPH, RD; Thomas Bishop, Psy.D.; Karen Farris, BS, MPA, PhD; Mark Fitzgerald, DDS,MS; Nicole Trupiano, BS, MD Candidate; Peggy Ursuy, PhD, MA, RN, PPCNP-BC
A personalized, low-stakes outreach strategy was effective in recruitment of new faculty using exposure to IPE teaching and facilitation through observing an existing experienced, high-functioning and collaborative IPE faculty team. This approach provided a real-life experience which addressed known barriers to faculty recruitment and engagement including “not knowing about” and “feeling unprepared” to engage in IPE.
Monday, August 22, 2:00 – 3:30 pm EDT (listed as 1:00 – 2:30 pm CDT)

Implementation and Assessment of an Early Mobility Interprofessional Education Simulation
Leslie Smith, PT, DPT, CCS; Denise Campbell, DNP, APRN, ACNS-BC, CEN, CHSE; Nicholas Prush, Ph.D, MHA, RRT, RRT-ACCS; Suzanne Trojanowski, PT, DPT, NCS; Erica Sherman, PT, DPT, MBA; Elizabeth Yost, OTD, OTRL
In the intensive care unit setting, lack of mobility can cause deconditioning and weakness, common problems for patients that require mechanical ventilation. Early mobility for patients in respiratory failure has been found to be safe and feasible. The Society of Critical Care Medicine’s 2018 “Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Pain, Agitation, and Delirium in Adult Patients in the Intensive Care Unit” describes the importance of early mobility and exercise, however, there may be a gap between what is recommended and what is done in practice. Early mobility protocols recommend a team approach including registered nurses, respiratory therapists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists, working together to deliver safe patient care. Using simulation to assist in training early mobility techniques and skills has been used to improve the confidence of students prior to clinical experience. The purpose of this project was to enable healthcare student collaboration as an interprofessional team to provide safe management and monitoring during an early mobility simulation for a patient requiring mechanical ventilation.
Monday, August 22, 2:00 – 3:30 pm EDT (listed as 1:00 – 2:30 pm CDT)

Fostering an Interprofessional Learning Community of Scholars: A Model for Contemporary Faculty and System Partners Development
Thomas Bishop, Psy.D.; Laura Smith, PT, DPT, PhD; Olivia Anderson, PhD, MPH, RD; Peggy Ursuy, PhD, MA, RN, PPCNP-BC; Debra Mattison, MSW, LMSW
Simply bringing faculty together from various health care disciplines does not necessarily result in beneficial interprofessional education (IPE). It has been suggested that faculty development approaches that foster a sense of connectedness not only mitigates burnout, but creates critical space for sharing ideas, learning, socialization, and a sense of belonging. Learning communities also provide opportunities for teaching, service, and scholarship. There continue to be challenges in cultivating high performing interprofessional teams across disciplines in a large public institution. The aim of this study is to present a model learning community that serves as an incubator for effective IPE and high performing scholarship. Themes identified by the IPE Learning Community inform effective faculty team building and advance faculty development and retention.
Monday, August 22, 2:00 – 3:30 pm EDT (listed as 1:00 – 2:30 pm CDT)

Impact of In-Person Vs Virtual Class Instruction in a Large Interprofessional Class
Gundy Sweet, PharmD; Nicole Roberts; Ashton Strother; Vincent Marshall, MS
The COVID-19 pandemic forced a pedagogical shift in education, moving many courses online. This study assessed the impact of moving a large-scale, semester-long interprofessional education (IPE) course from in-person to an online format. Approximately 500 students from five health-science programs (dentistry, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and social work) are placed in fixed interprofessional teams that have at least one member from each discipline.
Monday, August 22, 2:00 – 3:30 pm EDT (listed as 1:00 – 2:30 pm CDT)

Social, Medical and Dental Components of Integrated Pediatric Care
Priscilla Hohmann, LMSW, MDIV; Marcia Campos, DDS, MS, PhD; Rosalva Osorio, MSW
The focus on interprofessional collaborative practice is seen as the way to improve the healthcare of individuals and communities, reducing costs and increasing value. We still face the challenge of having most of our health professionals trained to demonstrate the skills and competencies specific to their own profession. To address this gap, health profession educators are preparing students to demonstrate skills and competencies through interprofessional practice and education (IPE). For that, there is an urge to provide them with experiential activities in order to assure their readiness. The present experiential project aims to have students from the dental, social work, and medical schools work together as an interprofessional team with a pediatric patient currently receiving care at the UM Dental Pediatric Clinic.
Monday, August 22, 2:00 – 3:30 pm EDT (listed as 1:00 – 2:30 pm CDT)

Development of an Interprofessional Shared Decision-Making Teaching Tool (IP-SDM-T2)
Hanna Phan, PharmD, FCCP, FPPA; Meghan Thiel, LMSW; Vitaliy Popov, PhD
Limited data exists regarding real-time feedback and assessment of Interprofessional shared decision-making (IP-SDM) in the experiential, IP education (IPE) setting. Our objectives were to: 1) adapt the previously validated SDM Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9) for use as part of a radar visualization tool, the IP Shared Decision-Making Teaching Tool (IP-SDM-T2), 2) conduct focus groups to examine feasibility, acceptability, usability of the IP-SDM-T2, and 3) identify areas for improvement and how the tool may be best utilized in practice and IPE. The IP-SDM-T2 may help visualize SDM constructs from patient care scenarios and has potential to be a tool to measure and help foster SDM among IP teams and learners in the experiential setting. Future directions include mobile app development to improve ease of use and future studies (e.g., a pilot study in an experiential IPE setting).
Monday, August 22, 2:00 – 3:30 pm EDT (listed as 1:00 – 2:30 pm CDT)

Interprofessional Team Care for Uninsured Patient with New Diagnosis of Diabetes
Kelly Shakoor, DNP, RN, FNP-BC
When all the members of the IPE teams work together during initial patient encounters, a smoother transition of care can take place, and members are more likely to understand the goals of care. The IPE teams can also learn from each other with questioning techniques and responses to patient statements. This combined assessment technique can decrease the amount of time a patient is in the clinic, and increase the likelihood that all IPE teams are working toward the same goals of care.
Monday, August 22, 2:00 – 3:30 pm EDT (listed as 1:00 – 2:30 pm CDT)