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Pharmacy Students Integrated into Interprofessional Student-Run Free Clinic

New services and providers have arrived at this U-M clinic in rural Pinckney, Michigan, where patients receive basic primary and preventative care.

Fourth-year Doctor of Pharmacy students on ambulatory care advanced pharmacy practice experience rotations have been placed on a weekly basis at the University of Michigan Student-Run Free Clinic (UMSRFC). The clinic is dedicated to providing quality health care free of charge to uninsured community members, while creating opportunities for U-M students to confront health disparities through direct action.

The pharmacy students now obtain medication histories, make medication-related recommendations to the health care team, answer drug information questions, and dispense medications. Pharmacy residents from Michigan Medicine serve as on-site preceptors, and College of Pharmacy clinical and adjunct faculty are available over the telephone to provide additional support.

This initiative is led by Sarah Kelling, a clinical assistant professor of pharmacy (also a current Interprofessional Leadership Fellow) and Amy Thompson, director of ambulatory clinical pharmacy practices and clinical associate professor of pharmacy.

Additionally, two pharmacy students helped develop the new service and now sit on the SRFC’s interprofessional leadership board. Learn more about the new SRFC partnership.