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Nominations Open: IPE Innovation & Excellence Awards

Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education (IPE) announces its inaugural awards program!

The IPE Awards for Innovation and Excellence have been established to honor students and faculty who have demonstrated excellence in teaching, scholarship, and/or leadership with regard to implementing and/or developing innovative, effective, and sustainable interprofessional education (IPE) or interprofessional practice (IPP) across the University of Michigan health sciences schools. Awardees will receive the following: Faculty award of $1,000; student award of $500 (if the winner is a team, the award will be split accordingly), short presentation at HPE Day April 2, invitation to IPE community lunch at HPE Day, and a letter to the awardees’ dean from the Michigan Center for IPE.

Learn more about the awards and how to nominate.Deadline for nominations is February 22, 2019 at noon.

“The Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education, in collaboration with the Health Sciences Council deans, established these awards to recognize the innovative and important work in our community of scholars and health professionals,” said Frank Ascione, director of the Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education. “We also want to provide guidance to the many other universities regarding how to best implement IPE programs in the future.”

The awards will be presented to recipients at Health Professions Education Day, April 2, 2019.