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IP-X Funding Updates and FAQs

What U-M faculty need to know to propose team projects on the Mcubed Diamond platform.

Dozens of U-M faculty came together at an early November mixer and info session to ask questions and get answersabout the applying for the current round of IP-X pilot grants. These grants are are fully funded by the U-M Health Sciences Council and Center for IPE on the Mcubed Diamond program (be sure to sign in to Mcubed first).

U-M health science faculty from all three campuses (Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint) have begun sharing ideas for collaborative research in the two IP-X pilot grant categories:

  • Effects of Interprofessional Health Care Services on Patient Health Outcomes, Population Health, and Health Care Costs in the Clinical Care Setting. Up to four $60K projects will be funded.
  • Exploring the Impact of Interprofessional Education on Student Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills, and Behaviors. Up to four $15K projects will be funded.

The call for IP-X proposals is rolling for 2018, so now’s the time to join fellow U-M faculty in making and comments about research interests and finding interprofessional partners for collaboration. Research teams with the top proposals will be cubing for funding soon!

For more information:
IP-X funding programs on the Mcubed Diamond program.
Read the new 2018 IP-X FAQs.
Background on IP-X research stimulus program.